Monday 23 January 2012


Facebook isn't really pointless, you know?
Yeah, I belong to those breed of people who are always on a complaining how useless Facebook is, and yet log onto it all day. But, let's ignore that part for now.
Because, for the first time, I'm writing on something, that played a prominent part in changing my perception about the way I perceive something.

Suppose, If I put forth a question to you people, right now. The question being : 'What, according to you is education?'
I wouldn't be wrong to assume the fact that almost 90 % of you all are going to claim that Education is going to school and attending some boring lectures and mugging them up and vomiting it in the exam paper.
But, what if I tell you, it's not just that?

What do you have to say to that?

What if I tell you, it also includes personality development?

Education also means knowing that waste, be it of any kind, need to be put in a dustbin and not be littered all around the street, or recycling things we use in our daily life to do our bit for the environment.

A group of 11 people from Mumbai's K.C. College have launched this initiative named 'Parivaratn : A New Beginning' where they strongly believe in the fact that Education isn't makes a man intelligent. It really isn't everything. Personality development is one of the most crucial aspects.
They are targeting street kids between the age of 8-12 years, and each of them is teaching them one creative area of learning, be it Public speaking., Language, Hygiene and daily habits, et al.
Personally, when I read up about their initiative on Facebook ( due to their intelligent marketing strategies), it was an eye opener of sorts, for me. And, the whole purpose of writing this post was to let people know the amazing work these college students are doing!
High time, we stooped making claims of doing something different, and actually implemented.
Give it up for these guys.

Change is indeed here.

And, do make sure, you 'Like' their page on Facebook and follow them on

Till next time.
Adios, bitches.

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