Friday 23 December 2011

Yes, I'm an architecture student and it's not a dream.

Hello, random bored people looking at this text typed by the blogger to describe you. Heh.

My last post, was about 4 months ago. And after that college started. I go to a school of architecture. A semester is coming to an end and trust me, it is not easy, architecture.Blah blah, I can go and on about how boring\awesome my life is, but I choose not to. Yes, I care about you guys.

Oh, if you do follow me on Twitter, you should be knowing that I'm downloading Skyrim. Yes, go crack a arrow in the knee joke that I don't get, BUT I soon will.

Now to something more architectural.. I had my first architectural crit. Basically, architecture students do sheets in their classes. And they are evaluated by the design teacher for internals. For the externals, an architect from a different college\University visits as an externals and talks to each and every student individually about their designs, the concepts and blah blah. So I had mine, a few days ago. And guys, it wuzz aujzome! It was quite funny too. Well, who cares anyway?

On twitter? Follow me, future followers at TZFIZE.

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