Sunday 11 March 2012

Hypocrisy Sucks.

True, isn't it?

I'm just an 18-year old guy who knows very little about architecture. My point about Facadism may or may not change over the time period but right now, this is what I feel.

Now, back to the topic. Hypocrisy. We all hate it. A few of are filled with it a few of us aren't. But we hate it, and it is a cruel fact, we hate ourselves. Okay, no sense made. Right.

Architecturally speaking, I feel Facadism is pure hypocrisy. If you don't know what Facadism is, just click on the word, you'll be led to a Wikipedia page and you can read all about it because you're all jobless like that.

Come to think of it, say, I give you a wrapper of Ferro Rocher but when you open it, all you get is crushed Oreo biscuits. How would you feel? It's the same in architecture. You have this exterior of a really old type or architecture and once you enter it, you're viewing a different type.

I very much feel what you get is what you see. Hence this stupid frustration. If you didn't understand anything I just spoke about, chill out. Don't force your peanut to do something it's supposed to: think.

Until tomorrow, stupid earthling.

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