Tuesday 13 March 2012

Bull Shalaga, Bull Shagala.

Jai Guru Dev. That's how we greeted teachers in my school. It loosely translates to.. well, I don't know what it loosely translates to. What's up, guys? I'm fine, thanks for asking. Such a sweet bunch of readers of my blog I have.

You know, I have this advantage of having a blog. No one reads it. So I can post what ever I want. WHATEVER. 

Let me tell you a little story. Okay? Okay, thank you. for letting me go ahead with it.

There was a man. His name was Randwa. Yes, his name was funny. Randwa. He made the best and the biggest mistake of his life - he met Boobdi. Another funny name, I know. Randwa wanted to be an architect. So did Boobdi. But they couldn't. Why? They couldn't because they couldn't clear NATA. HAHA! So Randwa decided to become a pimp and Boobdi, a stripper.

So, kids, you have learnt an important lesson today. If you want to become an architect, clear your NATA.

Yes, I cleared mine with a pretty good score. Yes, I'm a show-off. 108 is the magical number, lovable earthling. Also, my partner at Krazy Onez and my good friend, Deepith Jain, has started his own blog. Go on, lifeless mofos. Check it out: here.

So long, stupid boys and girls!

Sunday 11 March 2012

Hypocrisy Sucks.

True, isn't it?

I'm just an 18-year old guy who knows very little about architecture. My point about Facadism may or may not change over the time period but right now, this is what I feel.

Now, back to the topic. Hypocrisy. We all hate it. A few of are filled with it a few of us aren't. But we hate it, and it is a cruel fact, we hate ourselves. Okay, no sense made. Right.

Architecturally speaking, I feel Facadism is pure hypocrisy. If you don't know what Facadism is, just click on the word, you'll be led to a Wikipedia page and you can read all about it because you're all jobless like that.

Come to think of it, say, I give you a wrapper of Ferro Rocher but when you open it, all you get is crushed Oreo biscuits. How would you feel? It's the same in architecture. You have this exterior of a really old type or architecture and once you enter it, you're viewing a different type.

I very much feel what you get is what you see. Hence this stupid frustration. If you didn't understand anything I just spoke about, chill out. Don't force your peanut to do something it's supposed to: think.

Until tomorrow, stupid earthling.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Freddie Mercury, the Unsung Hero of Indian Origin

First things first, this is the first time the title of a post is actually related to the contents.

Freddie Mercury or Farrokh Bulsara, was born in India as a Parsi. For those who don't know who I'm talking about, he is the vocalist of one the greatest bands of all time: Queen. For those who don't know who Queen is, they're the band who composed and sung "We Will Rock You". Now, you know.

It's a shame really that Freddie Mercury isn't as famous in the country he's actually from. Right from his flamboyant stage persona, the way he swayed the crowd at concerts with his powerful vocals, it's just right to call him as one of the greatest singer of all time.

The other day, I asked my friends in college if they knew who Queen and Freddie Mercury was, all they said was "Who the fuck are you talking about?". I looked at them and thought that they are missing out on the best music to be ever played and heard. I pity them.

Freddie Mercury died as he was suffering from HIV AIDS, the first rock star to die because of the deadly disease.

Though I wasn't there when he was, he lives in my heart, through his music. His legacy, his music, shall live on forever.

Here are a few of his songs that I adore:
Bohemian Rhapsody
Friends Will Be Friends
Is This The World We Created
Don't Stop Me Now
We Are The Champions
Somebody To Love
Funny How Love Is

Do listen if you want to have a taste of the best music to be ever heard in this ignorant world of ours.

Friday 9 March 2012

I am the Path: Road

Hello, freakshots. How do you- wait, I don't care.

So, music is THE shit. I don't have to tell much about it because it's quite obvious. I personally love listening to music. Here's the list of the 10 most played songs on my phone:

10. Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

9. Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love

8. We Are Scientists - Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt

7. Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness 
I have started listening to this song very often. It's a really nice song. DO LISTEN.

6. The Decemberists - Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect
The song starts from 0:38.

5. System Of A Down - Bounce

4. Harry Chapin - Cat's In The Cradle
One of the comments describe the song the best:
Listening to this song will hit you right were it hurts and really open your eyes to how much we need to teach and spend time with our kids, because next time we have the chance they may not be there. They grow up like you do they look up teach them well leave with your kid holding his head high and proud to say that was my father.

3. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

2. Marching Band - Gorgeous Behaviour 

1. Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death

Hope you like the songs :)

So, the other day..

Nothing happened. Life is as boring as it gets. No kidding.

What's up, guys? Miss my posts, users I think who exist? How are you, peoplezz? [Whoa, I'm soo cool]. So, today, I'm going to teach you how to make a chocolate pudding. Actually, I won't. Because I don't want to. I'm such a badass, right?

I have always wanted to visit Ireland. Ireland, the country of, uhmm, errr, the Irish people. I have heard so much about the country.. The castles, the people, the awe-frikking-some accent that I find, the green clothes and most importantly: the man with the bagpiper. No, wait, the bagpiper man is from Scotland.. Ah screw it, I don't know. Anyway, I always wanted to visit it. That's it. Point made.

This is a photo of Ashford Castle, in Cong, Ireland. The castle was purchased and renovated by the Guinness family in the 19th century and was turned into a hotel. The place was amazing looking, with neat gardens along the lake and beautifully sculptured grounds all around. A stay at the castle includes complimentary golf. This is also one of my first HDR images (-2, 0, and +2EV).
ISO-100, f/6.3, 1/100, 18mm, Canon EOS Digital Rebel, exposure range from 1/200 - 1/50 sec.
[Image from Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffsmallwood/]
Awesome, isn't it? Here's another one:
Lagmanan Castle, Ireland

It is Leamaneh Castle near Corrofin in the Burren area of Co Clare.
That's it for now. No architectural stuff because I'm feeling too cool to talk about it.

Monday 23 January 2012


Facebook isn't really pointless, you know?
Yeah, I belong to those breed of people who are always on a complaining how useless Facebook is, and yet log onto it all day. But, let's ignore that part for now.
Because, for the first time, I'm writing on something, that played a prominent part in changing my perception about the way I perceive something.

Suppose, If I put forth a question to you people, right now. The question being : 'What, according to you is education?'
I wouldn't be wrong to assume the fact that almost 90 % of you all are going to claim that Education is going to school and attending some boring lectures and mugging them up and vomiting it in the exam paper.
But, what if I tell you, it's not just that?

What do you have to say to that?

What if I tell you, it also includes personality development?

Education also means knowing that waste, be it of any kind, need to be put in a dustbin and not be littered all around the street, or recycling things we use in our daily life to do our bit for the environment.

A group of 11 people from Mumbai's K.C. College have launched this initiative named 'Parivaratn : A New Beginning' where they strongly believe in the fact that Education isn't makes a man intelligent. It really isn't everything. Personality development is one of the most crucial aspects.
They are targeting street kids between the age of 8-12 years, and each of them is teaching them one creative area of learning, be it Public speaking., Language, Hygiene and daily habits, et al.
Personally, when I read up about their initiative on Facebook ( due to their intelligent marketing strategies), it was an eye opener of sorts, for me. And, the whole purpose of writing this post was to let people know the amazing work these college students are doing!
High time, we stooped making claims of doing something different, and actually implemented.
Give it up for these guys.

Change is indeed here.

And, do make sure, you 'Like' their page on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.www.twitter.com/Parivartan_

Till next time.
Adios, bitches.