Saturday 18 June 2011

If you're one of those people who think the world is going to end in 2012, please send me all your stuff

Trust me. 

I was working on the opening line since half an hour. It was supposed to be GRAND. ( Notice the capslock) and it was also supposed to win over every single person reading this.
But, um. I couldn't get one.
So <insert your own grand opening line> 
Yeah, I'm smart like that.

NOW. Time for the introductions?
Hello, I'm Poulomi. ( Yes, I'm that awesome one who's name has been mentioned here TWO TIMES. :D) And, GUESSWHAT?  I'm the Guest Blogger (Sounds so awesome. HA!) for this week at Gaurav's blog. :)

To be honest when Gaurav actually asked me if I'd like to be the Guest Blogger at his blog.. I was already making up excuses in my head to say NO.

Don't get me wrong. It's not because I hate him like anything and want him to die. :P
But, it was because I was scared that he wont like what I write. And, the embarrassment of it was a risk I was not willing to take.
But, as they say.. There is something about Challenges and Hot guys (read : Ian Somerlader) that attract girls. I swear.


I repeated the 'Main apni favourite hoon' dialogue 1453738902 times in my head and finally after trying to distract the topic for 10 minutes said YES.

And, here I am. Blogging away to glory. *grinslikeanidiot*

In this blogpost, I'm going to educate you all about the excuses to give when anyone asks you to 'Guest blog' for them.

So, here goes..


  • Who are you? *make a I-just-saw-an-ALIEN-face* I seem to have lost my memory since the last two microseconds.
  • Manchester United are playing a match tonight.
  • I have been dumped.
  • I'm having my period. (Even works for guys. SOMETIMES)
  • Twitter is addictive. What's the excuse? My tweets are entertaining the world, you idiot!
  • I do Blogger racism. GO WORDPRESS!
  • Someone just blocked me. For something. I NEED TO DEAL WITH IT!
  • I'm busy practising Baba Ramdev's asanas.
  • I'm trying to make 'Laziness' a worldwide concern.
  • I am not well.
  • I wont be well too. For the 20 years to come at least.
  • Sshhh. I'm trying to deduce who the Mother and wife of Ted is before he finally does.
  • I'm turning into a vampire. SOMEONE GET ME SPARKLES!
  • I'm not allowed to blog. Rajnikanth asked me not to.
  • My keyboard just died. RIP.
  • I am packing my bags to go to Hogwarts.
  • I am studying.
  • I'm busy preparing for Roadies.
So I guess that's the end for now. Don't want to scare Guest bloggers on my first day only. :P

But, here's hoping the excuses work. And, if they don't.. well you know whom to blame. (Read : GAURAV KOTHARI) 

All donations, either cheques or cash can be directed towards the Poulomi's Foundation For Extreme Joblessness. :P

ALSO, before I go have a look at this. :P

Isnt she so pretty? :P

Have a nice weekend you all. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great work paulomi . Gotta learn the tricks of the trade in Excuses ..

  3. The excuses are well, really 'smart' ones. :P
    And I have been a big aficionado [informally, fan] of your eccentrically hilarious titles. :D

    Keep it up. :D

    Yes. And this blog is well-crafted. The facts are pretty surprising. Like, at times, you know a piece of architecture but the information regarding its history and the architect is provided nicely.

    Keep it up, both of you.

    Shall I mention here for my Guest Blog-post, Poulomi? :P ;)

  4. Finally, the connoisseur of lameness (READ : Poulomi) writes somewhere apart from her dear little bloggy. :P

    Good one. And, excuses are well drafted but out-dated.

    Hence, the 'NO CREATIVITY' tag sticks onto your back, Poldas. :P
