Sunday 5 June 2011


There are 5 jackasses in this "post".

So, a few days ago I went to Gandhi beach [also Marina Beach]. [Fun fact: it's 12 km long and the second longest beach in the world].

There, at about 7.15 am, my friend and me were walking. Around 300 mts away, we saw this really old man [say 65ish years] sleeping in the middle of the road. He was breathing. No bruisings. Nothing. And a bike which was lying down. Apparently, three men were on it and they hit the old man which caused the fall of the oldie. The old man was okay. The rider had a serious injury to his eyebrow - blood all over his face. You could actually see the fucking flesh of the rider. His tee was half red due to the blood [he was wearing a white tee]. So all these people near the scene gathered around the riders and, their bike and the old man. One of the fishermen started abusing in Tamil and started hitting this injured guy. I was like, "Dude, this is so fucked up. The injured guy is being beaten. And the old jackass [the first] who was walking in the middle of the road is being given the sympathy for being old."

After about 20 minutes, ambulance came. The doctor stepped down and went straight to the injured guy. But the rest of the crowd pulled the doctor away from the injured guy and took him towards Jackass No. 1. The doctor is the second jackass. Why? Cuz the old guy has nothing to worry about, no scratches nothing. But Mr Jackass No. 2, under the force of the crowd didn't treat the injured guy.

The third jackass is obviously the guy riding the bike. He was with 2 other people on the bike.

The fourth and the fifth jackass? Well, my friend and me. We were dumb enough to watch this all happening. We were stupid to waste about 1 hour on this. Now that's an hour I'd never get back.


  1. well.. the 4th n 5th jackasses ,tats me n gaurav ..n tats true we were so dumb enough to watch it like all the jackasses gathering around n calling themselves as public ...

  2. Dude, chill out. Made no sense :P
