Friday 23 December 2011

Yes, I'm an architecture student and it's not a dream.

Hello, random bored people looking at this text typed by the blogger to describe you. Heh.

My last post, was about 4 months ago. And after that college started. I go to a school of architecture. A semester is coming to an end and trust me, it is not easy, architecture.Blah blah, I can go and on about how boring\awesome my life is, but I choose not to. Yes, I care about you guys.

Oh, if you do follow me on Twitter, you should be knowing that I'm downloading Skyrim. Yes, go crack a arrow in the knee joke that I don't get, BUT I soon will.

Now to something more architectural.. I had my first architectural crit. Basically, architecture students do sheets in their classes. And they are evaluated by the design teacher for internals. For the externals, an architect from a different college\University visits as an externals and talks to each and every student individually about their designs, the concepts and blah blah. So I had mine, a few days ago. And guys, it wuzz aujzome! It was quite funny too. Well, who cares anyway?

On twitter? Follow me, future followers at TZFIZE.

Friday 12 August 2011

I love using the electric bat that electrocutes the stupid, blood sucking mosquitoes.

Yesterday I was just was just siting in front of the monitor and using my lovely PC. I am doing nothing to disturb the world peace. I was minding my own fucking business. I was practically doing nothing to disturb anyone, or anything, just when the first little fly came buzzing next to my ear. I killed it. It pissed me off. And after that ghazziilliioonnss of the stupid mosquitoes came buzzing next to me and started sucking my blood. That's when I knew, I had to take every blood-sucking fly. I knew I had to unleash technology against them. [Enter electric mosquito killing bat]. Zap! Zap, zap! Zap, zap, zaaaaazzzzzppp. Zap. And zap, zap. Zap. There I was, sitting on my simple chair among the dead, electrocuted bodies of the mosquitoes. I did feel a little guilt, but I had to do it, for me. Zaappp!

GTalk. I love GTalk. I'm on it 24/7. The messages are zoomed to my friends thanks to the lovely push service. You know what they should do? They should add the "Display the current track being played" for the statuses, being able to send files, comment on Statuses, look at other display pictures and also bring in the SDR [Sent, delivered, read] thingy. From what I've heard, Video and Voice calling will be introduced in GTalk very soon. So, that's that.

Friday 5 August 2011

Google, you impress me.

Hello, unknown person. How do you do?

Today is Friday, 5th August. And tomorrow is 6th. Phbbbbbttt! My university opens on 22nd August. You have no idea how excited I am. For so many months, mera ho gaya :P

[Pic courtesy: Marmik]

22nd August! That's the day a new phase of my life starts. And I hope a better one. And what's with so many people missing their schools? I have spent my 14 good years at the same school that was right opposite my house, and I still don't miss it. Maybe it's because Maharishi Vidya Mandir is still in front of my house. 

Everyone thinks I wake up at 5 AM because they receive a text from me saying "Good Morning". Haha, retards! Guess they have never heard of SMS Scheduling apps :P 

Ohh, I watched the Source Code last night. It is amazing, the movie. But I was just hoping it could be longer than it really is. I'd definitely give it 4.5/5.

Here's an architectural fact:
Charles Correa designed the Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalay, the museum at the Sabarmati Ashram. Also the LIC Building in Outer Circle, New Delhi. Yes, the old man still lives. 

Friday 15 July 2011

Mumbai - The city of dreams.

Hey Guys,

I am new to blogging so don’t mind if I go off the track.

Btw. I am Asad. I live in Mumbai but I don’t think I am exaggerating about Mumbai in the post written hereunder :

I am writing about the City which never sleeps, Bombay. (Mumbai for Shivsenis)

“India's financial capital, Bombay ranks first in housing, socio-cultural political environment and economic infrastructure” – (

Bombay is Bombay and nothing comes close to Bombay !
Bombay has these places where you can see “LOVERS” making out or cuddling - like Chowpatty, Marine Lines (Lover’s Line is always there whether its monsoon or summer or winter), Carter Road (read the earlier bracket), Bandstand (read the bracket ^here) and on and on !

Colaba is the place if you love SHOPPING !

Don’t miss out on Irani Café’s like “Kayani” at Dhobi Talao and Irani Bar if you booze – “Café Leopold” – Colaba.

Bombay is a city of love and affection. The city is always welcoming its guest as it is shown in ads – “Atithi Devo Bhava” which means “The Guest is God”

Bombay also has some great Institutes to study in except this college -> (Rizvi Commerce and Arts) like St’ Xaviers and GLC (Government Law College)

Bombay is the place where anybody can settle down and make money (Like Dhirubhai Ambani did). This entire place asks for “Unique Brain” and “Hard Work” and you obviously would make to the place where they are, I swear on it.

Bombay is having a bad time at the moment with all those terrorists coming and hitting up here but Bombay stands united against theses MoFkrs.

One should come and visit this wonderful place at least once to experience what Bombay is ! *Three Cheers For BOMBAY*

I don’t know what else to write and my brain isn’t working either.

Its already 6.03 A.M. on my laptop.

Thanks for reading whatever I wrote.

You can write to me about the post at

Till then, Cya.


Tuesday 12 July 2011

Time And Tide Wait For None.

Note: The title has nothing to do with the post. Trust me on this.

Architectural Fact: Sansad Bhavan or more famously known as the Parliment Of India. Designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. It's basically a huge building that is circular and filled with ghazzziillliionns of pillars. Also, Sir Edwin Lutyens designed Delhi.

So, now time for bullshit..

A few days ago, I was in Arakkonam [Vellore District, TN]. I was really bored when I was there. There I was sitting near the road, inside my uncle's shop. I took out a bit of paper and a pen. Drew what was in front of me, keeping in mind the method of drawing using the one point perspective or also known as the single point perspective. This is what I ended up with:

And this is what it really looks like:

It sucks. I know, right?

Tuesday 28 June 2011

This Post Has 4 pictures!

Today's Architectural Fact: Today I'm going to talk about a building that really doesn't exist. A building that replaced a really old, but classy hotel. Yes, people, the HQ of the GNB in New York designed by our very own Theodore Mosby. The GNB HQ replaces The Arcadian. The architect also dumped his girlfriend to build this building. Ha! That's the way, bro! Anyway, the rest, well isn't history, we still don't know if this building is real. Aahh, fuck you.

In the last post, I told you about the Notre Dame du Haut and I didn't post the pic. Here it is: [and hey, I am being sweet]

Also, follow Marmik cuz he's cool. He sent me this pic. Damn funny it is:

And the fourth pic. I was chatting with this friend of mine on Facebook and here's a part of it:

Damn funny right? I know. :D

Fuck "mutual" sex. Go rape.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Lol, get a life, dude.

Today's architectural fact: So, you guys know the city of Chandigarh, right? Yes? Good. Wait, you don't? Man, you're a stupid dickhead! Chandigarh was majorly designed by the world famous, Le Corbusier. He was known for his modern work. He also designed this "Notre Dame du Haut" - it's a church, somewhere in France. It's really different from the "orthodox" designs of the churches we see everywhere. Simply put, it is a modern church.
Oh and you might have thought that I would post a picture of the Notre Dame du Haut? Yes? Lol. Dude, get a life! Google it if you're really that interested. 

There are 3 types of people in life: straight, gay and transgenders. Didn't know? No? Fuck. And we call blondes dumb! Ha ha!

Oh and Poulomi, thanks for the guest post. That was very sweet of you. 

A few months ago, September 2010 to be precise, I wrote this shit in class. 

Thy Hallow Beast

Thy Hallow Beast returnest,
From the Wild.
Thy Hallow Beast in the New
World, Content and Machines.
Thy Hallow Beast spat blood
Globules till the work done.
Thy Hallow Beast is all one.
Thy Hallow Beast shalt rest.
Thy Hallow Beast is near 'is grave.
Thy Hallow Beast is nothing, but you.

It's about a primitive man who has entered into the New, Modern world and his mind frame towards the people in this New World.

Thy Hallow Beast means a modern man. The primitive man [will be referred to as the Old Man] says that the Beast has returned from the Wild. Wild? For the Old Man, the cities, the buildings are wild and not natural [Line 1,2].
The Old man says that the Beast is in the New World, happy with the machines [Line 3,4].
The Old man thinks that the modern men have come to the point that they will risk their own lives and spit blood to just complete the task given. [Line 5,6]
The Old man says that the Beast lives for himself. [Line 7]
But now, the Beast has to rest. [Line 8]
And the Beast is near his grave because of the exhuastive and life sucking tasks of his life. [Line 9]
The beast is none other than you [The reader]. [Line 10].

I guess you can understand how primitive the Old Man is, from the language he uses.

 [Thanks to Fb notes for keeping this safe].

Fuckk offf!

Saturday 18 June 2011

If you're one of those people who think the world is going to end in 2012, please send me all your stuff

Trust me. 

I was working on the opening line since half an hour. It was supposed to be GRAND. ( Notice the capslock) and it was also supposed to win over every single person reading this.
But, um. I couldn't get one.
So <insert your own grand opening line> 
Yeah, I'm smart like that.

NOW. Time for the introductions?
Hello, I'm Poulomi. ( Yes, I'm that awesome one who's name has been mentioned here TWO TIMES. :D) And, GUESSWHAT?  I'm the Guest Blogger (Sounds so awesome. HA!) for this week at Gaurav's blog. :)

To be honest when Gaurav actually asked me if I'd like to be the Guest Blogger at his blog.. I was already making up excuses in my head to say NO.

Don't get me wrong. It's not because I hate him like anything and want him to die. :P
But, it was because I was scared that he wont like what I write. And, the embarrassment of it was a risk I was not willing to take.
But, as they say.. There is something about Challenges and Hot guys (read : Ian Somerlader) that attract girls. I swear.


I repeated the 'Main apni favourite hoon' dialogue 1453738902 times in my head and finally after trying to distract the topic for 10 minutes said YES.

And, here I am. Blogging away to glory. *grinslikeanidiot*

In this blogpost, I'm going to educate you all about the excuses to give when anyone asks you to 'Guest blog' for them.

So, here goes..


  • Who are you? *make a I-just-saw-an-ALIEN-face* I seem to have lost my memory since the last two microseconds.
  • Manchester United are playing a match tonight.
  • I have been dumped.
  • I'm having my period. (Even works for guys. SOMETIMES)
  • Twitter is addictive. What's the excuse? My tweets are entertaining the world, you idiot!
  • I do Blogger racism. GO WORDPRESS!
  • Someone just blocked me. For something. I NEED TO DEAL WITH IT!
  • I'm busy practising Baba Ramdev's asanas.
  • I'm trying to make 'Laziness' a worldwide concern.
  • I am not well.
  • I wont be well too. For the 20 years to come at least.
  • Sshhh. I'm trying to deduce who the Mother and wife of Ted is before he finally does.
  • I'm turning into a vampire. SOMEONE GET ME SPARKLES!
  • I'm not allowed to blog. Rajnikanth asked me not to.
  • My keyboard just died. RIP.
  • I am packing my bags to go to Hogwarts.
  • I am studying.
  • I'm busy preparing for Roadies.
So I guess that's the end for now. Don't want to scare Guest bloggers on my first day only. :P

But, here's hoping the excuses work. And, if they don't.. well you know whom to blame. (Read : GAURAV KOTHARI) 

All donations, either cheques or cash can be directed towards the Poulomi's Foundation For Extreme Joblessness. :P

ALSO, before I go have a look at this. :P

Isnt she so pretty? :P

Have a nice weekend you all. :)

Friday 17 June 2011

I never come up with good titles. :/

Today's Architectural Fact: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum or the Guggenheim Museum is a really famous museum. Trust me, I have no idea what's inside, but yea, it's great. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright [yep, the same guy who designed the Falling Water.]. So get this, Frank Lloyd Wright is kinda famous. They also have a stamp on which his face is "printed", so as to honour him. 

So, in the past few days, I have become quite active on this website, Twitter and if you don't know what that is, seriously kill yourself, you fucking retard :). And today is Friday. So everyone on my TL [timeline] have been asking their followers to follow these people who are apparently really "cool"/"awesome"/"amazing" or their tweets are the same.

A few of my friends have asked their followers to follow me; thank you, Cool/Amazing/Awesome people. Oh, STFU and follow me and all the people I am following. :) Link

So the Guest Blogger for this week will be Poulomi. She'll post, if she does remember to post. 

That's it.

If you have completed 12th: Your admission is not done yet? Really? That is sad! FUCK YOU. :D

Thursday 16 June 2011

26 minutes.

Today's architectural fact:
The Fallingwater in the US is a spectacular architectural building. Designed by world renowned acrhitect, Frank Lloyd Wright, the building has been designed such a way that it was built over a waterfall and thus the name.
Looks amazing, right?

So 26 minutes - that's the amount of time I was staring at the screen and thinking "What should my blogpost be about...". And finally, this is the result.

So a few hours ago, I was chatting with this girl Poulomi [she's awesome. Check out her blog. Link]. We were discussing about our height and apparently Complan [a malt based drink] works. And I asked if I could drink Complan and increase my height. She said "You want to be the Eiffel Tower?" or something like that. I said, "It was named after the architect, Gustave Eiffel. So yes, I wanna be Eiffel". :)

But is it really possible that I can create the master-pieces like the ones that have been already designed and built? Will I be able design a building that can inspire awe in us, like the Victoria Memorial or the Sydney Opera House? Only time will say.

For the people who regularly read my blog: you would've probably noticed that I haven't been rude, well, I just want to say 'Fuck you' cuz, this is the way it is.

Wednesday 15 June 2011


First fact of the day: 11th Diagonal Street, a sky-scraper designed by Helmut Jahn was constructed in such a way that it could look like a diamond.

Fact number two: I have no idea why I named this post as "Qwerty.". 

Qwerty. Very easy to type. And if you don't know what Qwerty is, this is Fact number three: you are a retard.

Everyone on my Twitter TL, well, at least most of them, are sending tweets about DU's shocking "cut-off" marks. And trust me, I don't care. x/. Now that my admission is "done" at Hindustan University, Chennai, I wake up everyday with nothing on my "Things to do" list - wait, I don't have a "Things to do" list LOL. I have my breakfast and think to myself "Today will be a productive day" but I'm always proved wrong by my laziness the very next second. Yes, I'm that lazy. Heh!

In the evening, I read the SRM University's prospectus. I read about the different courses and their career prospects. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!


Monday 13 June 2011

Guest Bloggers.


Guess what? You suck! Ha!

So, now, on a serious note: I want a few of my friends to be guest bloggers for my blog. As in, you'll be given complete freedom on what you want to write. Nothing will be edited. You wanna talk about your weed experience? Please do. You wanna talk about your dream sexual experience? Knock yourself out. You wanna talk about your dog? I'm not stopping you. So you can write anything you want. But, only one condition: only proper English must be used. And only one guest post/week.

Only if you are interested, call me or contact me on Facebook.

I tried and tried.

Okay. Blogging is really, really tough for me. I didn't post for the past few days because I didn't know what to post about. So I asked this friend of mine [your name's not coming on my post, bitch xD]. He gave this idea. And I got this picture in my mind. And that picture was really good [it was a naked chick]. It was a great idea to write about [no, not to write. To do xP].

But that picture shall stay in my mind and won't come out as text.

So, I asked myself, what could I possibly write about? Architecture? No. You guys are really wayyy tooo dumb for something this interesting. Science? No. I don't like PCM. So, that's done with. No subjects, I told myself.

I could post about an interesting event that occurred, but hey, get realistic, you're not that jobless to read about it. Next to my head was the "picture" again. Finally I decided, this is it.

Monday 6 June 2011

Cricket sucks.

Thanks Rounak for this idea, again. :) His previous idea led to this post.

Cricket is a really famous game and all that, but come on, deep inside you know and you agree that it sucks. And if you don't agree, well, you suck. :P

The only thing that I loved about cricket was the sledging crap. Especially the ones that made you stand up and shout at the screen; but after a few incidents that involved physical contact like the one where Harbhjan slaps Sreesanth [or what ever the spelling is], I was like, "Man, cricket is soo fucked up".

Money - a lot of it in this game. I'm just talking about the white money and not even touching the other stash. Most of the games are fixed. No shitting. If you know some high-end bookie, he can tell you the result of the match even before it begins.

The most "respected" form of the game, Test Cricket: no one watches it. 5 days and we find no result - how pissing off is that?

The ICC or most of the cricket boards have started having so many T20 matches just to revive the interests of the people in cricket. But moving from test to T20: is it a good thing? Of course it isn't. When people no more accept the sport in its true form, what's the use of changing the rules just so that people enjoy it?

And if you don't agree, piss off, bitch.

[Next time some of you say you love cricket, remember you love the short format. Not cricket.]

Sunday 5 June 2011


There are 5 jackasses in this "post".

So, a few days ago I went to Gandhi beach [also Marina Beach]. [Fun fact: it's 12 km long and the second longest beach in the world].

There, at about 7.15 am, my friend and me were walking. Around 300 mts away, we saw this really old man [say 65ish years] sleeping in the middle of the road. He was breathing. No bruisings. Nothing. And a bike which was lying down. Apparently, three men were on it and they hit the old man which caused the fall of the oldie. The old man was okay. The rider had a serious injury to his eyebrow - blood all over his face. You could actually see the fucking flesh of the rider. His tee was half red due to the blood [he was wearing a white tee]. So all these people near the scene gathered around the riders and, their bike and the old man. One of the fishermen started abusing in Tamil and started hitting this injured guy. I was like, "Dude, this is so fucked up. The injured guy is being beaten. And the old jackass [the first] who was walking in the middle of the road is being given the sympathy for being old."

After about 20 minutes, ambulance came. The doctor stepped down and went straight to the injured guy. But the rest of the crowd pulled the doctor away from the injured guy and took him towards Jackass No. 1. The doctor is the second jackass. Why? Cuz the old guy has nothing to worry about, no scratches nothing. But Mr Jackass No. 2, under the force of the crowd didn't treat the injured guy.

The third jackass is obviously the guy riding the bike. He was with 2 other people on the bike.

The fourth and the fifth jackass? Well, my friend and me. We were dumb enough to watch this all happening. We were stupid to waste about 1 hour on this. Now that's an hour I'd never get back.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Kate, will you marry me?

A few weeks ago, The Royal Wedding happened. Prince William tied the knot with Kate Middleton [hey, Kate, marry me?]. From what I heard, the cost for the wedding was ~80 million dollars and that's a lot of money. The money was taken from the pockets in the name of taxes. So, basically that's a free wedding.

Now, a friend of mine told me, they are getting divorced. I'm not sure if that's true or false news. Let's just assume it is true. If she does get a divorce, she gets half of what he owns - HALF OF THE FUCKING KINGDOM. It's worth a whooping 450 million dollars. So it's 225 million dollars to her. But is it really possible that they are going to get a divorce? They were 8 years together before they got engaged and in these modern times, most marriages don't even last that long!

If she does get a divorce, she should marry me. Why? Come on! It's me. And after that, I'd divorce her - get half of what she owns: 125 million :D I'll be rich! Muhaha!

See ya around, suckers!

Friday 3 June 2011

Architecture is not engineering nor interior designing.

Thanks to Rounak Jain for this idea.

Hello, jackasses.

It would be stupid to ask what you are doing because you are reading this and that's what you are doing: reading.

Okay, so people ask me "Which course are you going to choose?". I say, "Um, architecture". People who know their facts reply "Oh, nice.". And the rest dumbfucks ask "Engineering?". Now, that is pissing off.

And if you're a part of the elite group of Dumbfucks, get this: YOU SUCK. Architecture is a combination of science and creativity; where as, engineering is a combination of the core subjects like maths and science [Chem, Physics and the other subjects]. So that's the main difference.

Now for the people who think interior designing and architecture are same: guess what, you suck too. Interior designing deals with the interiors - the furniture, the colour of the walls and the rest. Architecture deals with the planning and designing of the building.

Seems like common sense is very rare now-a-days. Fuck.

It is hard.

I must agree, it is really hard to blog.

When I say 'hard', I mean, really hard to blog. I had started this blog because I thought "Hey, I'm bored and there's tons of things to write about". Now, I have realised that I was really wrong. Kudos to the people who blog, specially to the "pro-bloggers". I mean, writing a hundred words that mean something and the masses like it, that too every fucking time. Kudos, 'pro-bloggers'.

*claps* [No I didn't].

It's just only the bloggers, the coloumnists in news-papers. Kudos to them too. [Have I spelled coloumnist right? xS]

Sometimes they impress me. Sometimes they don't. You might ask why they don't. The answer is, frankly speaking: it makes no sense to me.

So, here's the synopsis: Blogging is hard. You think it's easy, try it.

Tried it? It's hard? Yes? Ha! Fuck you!

Thursday 2 June 2011


Hello, yes, you, in front of the screen.

How are you? Not that it matters to me, anyway. I’m Gaurav. I created this blog because I have no other job to do till my University opens. So, yea. I have a twitter account, you know. You can follow me, if you wish to.

I’m damn bored in life. I have more than two months to go and absolutely nothing to do. NOTHING.
